Project duration 2020-2023(2022)
Digital competence in teacher training in the Nordic countries (DICOMTEN)

DICOMTEN aim is to promote the practice and theory, and related dialogue across the Nordics, in the challenging area of PDC in TE, in relation to the school of and learning in the 21st century.
To contribute to development of systematic and comprehensive approaches and models to develop PDC among teachers and pre-service teachers (Masters/ Bachelors) in TT.
Core activity: planning and implementing of education technology (edtech) pilots in teacher education (TE) with students.
The pilots are planned for 2020-2023(2022) - aim at long-term, sustainable collaboration between the Partners.
Theoretical foundation: TPACK model (Mishra & Koehler) and the European DigCompEdu (& PfDK).
Tallinn University project team:

Janika Leoste
Associate Professor, Business Collaboration and Innovation Chief Specialist

Maire Tuul
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Timo Tobias Ley
Professor Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation
Innovative ideas were tested by:
Marika Kutškova
Kaire Kollom
Kerstin Kööp
Tiiu Tammemäe
Jelena Stepanova
Dmitri Mištšenko
Elyna Heinmäe
Project partners: