Through international cooperation, an innovative course is being developed and tested to develop and support an entrepreneurial mindset in the field of EdTech. The aim of the project is the transfer of knowledge between universities and companies, through which the quality of the business education activities of the partner universities will be increased. As a result, a hybrid course will be prepared for the academy to promote entrepreneurial and scientific thinking.
🛠️ Prototyping is a great way of getting everyone on the same page
3️⃣🇩🖨️ 3D printing technology in prototyping
🎤 AudioPen app
✨ What is the #1 rule for AI tools?
📚💻 Academy4Business project
On-line learning outcomes
Personal brand and marketing
5 tips to start creating your personal brand
7 tips for successful networking
Studying with AI
3 tips to win
AI and intellectual property rights
Techniques to generate business idea
How to develop my business idea
Design Thinking Essentials Business Model Canvas
Practical steps to start innovating
How to fill in Business Model Canvas
Innovations in Business
How City of Tallinn supports new innovations
Team Building in IT
29.-31.01.2024 winter school in Mataro, Spain
The Winter School focused on educational technology (edTech) and brought together students from our partner universities in a collaborative international environment: Tallinn University, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme (Spain), and the University of Bielsko-Biala (Poland).
Over the course of three days, students worked in four international teams on the following topics: the concept of innovation and ideas between education and technology, business models in educational technology innovations, customer journey mapping, prototyping and validation, principles of presenting innovative ideas, and principles of crafting an elevator pitch. With the guidance of mentors, each team produced a new educational technology idea presented in the form of an elevator pitch. In addition to the topics covered, students also experienced learning and working in an international team.
But this journey doesn't end here! The second cycle of mentorship begins in February, providing our participants with further opportunities to enhance their entrepreneurial skills. The culmination of this approaching second cycle will be the Summer School in June at the TLU School of Educational Sciences.
A4B Winter School 2024 in Mataro
A4B Winter School 2024: Students presentations
Pilot On-line Mentoring sessions
From October 2023 till January 2024 we conducted the first cycle of student's mentoring. Students and their mentors were gradually going through 5 steps:
- Introduction
- Personal development
- Current trends on AI and education
- Innovations and EdTech
- Validating EdTech innovations
Students were assigned tasks and homeworks and afterwards in the mentoring sessions they discussed and colaborateivelly worked on the results. Outcome of their collaborative work will be finalized and presented in the Winter school in Mataró.
26.-28.06.2023 1st Summer School in Bielsko-Biela, Poland
The 1st summer school of the Academy4Business Erasmus+ project "EdTech challenges in education and the idea process" was held on 26-28 on June 2023 at the University of Bielsko-Biala (1 day), at the Regional Development Agency (2 day) and Bielsko-Biala Town Hall (3 day).
The summer school was attended by 12 talented students from Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain, who came together to form 4 international teams and dedicate themselves to the world of EdTech challenges and the process of creating ideas!
Our participants were guided and supported by mentors from four partner universities and business organizations.
1st Summer School "EdTech challenges in education and the ideation process"
26.-27.02.2023 kick-off in Ostrava, Czech Republic
On 26.01-27.01.23, we kicked off the new Erasmus+ project Academy4Business in Ostrava.The project brings together 4 universities and 4 business organizations with municipal partners from Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain. Through international cooperation, these organizations develop and test an innovative course to develop and support an entrepreneurial mindset in the field of Edtech.
This project (reference no. 2022-2-EE01-KA220-HED-000100644) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.